I had mentioned a few weeks back how a friend of mine had lost their Mother abruptly. I reached out to them after class last night to check in and they had slammed home, finally feeling their loss, where they had been in denial the weeks before. One of the things my friend kept asking […]
Posts from ‘October, 2014’
GEEK TIME: Video and Photo Editing – Full Resolution GoPro video
I’ve had quite a few people ask me over the years just how I do what I do with my pictures, and now videos. I also had some people who’ve been on the fence over the new GoPro Hero4 Black ask me to put up an uncompressed copy of the video I made a few […]
Life After Loss: …depression
Month’s before I was supposed to be married, my soon to be wife suffered a tremendous blow in her life. I’ll never forget this day. We were making breakfast on a Sunday morning when I look out the window and I see her brother walking down the sidewalk towards our house. I look at her […]
Life 3.0: Fall Colors – 2014 – Final Cut
Finally got a chance to get out this last weekend (probably the last good one of the year) and get some awesome footage of our local parks. Also took advantage of a gorgeous Sunday to spend the afternoon at our local track with the car guys. Can’t believe this short Summer/Fall is already over! Make […]
Life After Loss: Where is God in our grief?
A sad (because of the context), but true example of what I’m about to talk about: Last night, I was compelled to reach out to a friend I hadn’t talked to in months. Just… felt this compulsion to text them and see how they were doing. Within minutes, they told me that earlier that day […]
X-Cache, W3 Total Cache and Varnish – Geek time..
I’ve hosted my own websites, and run my own servers for years. So it’s nothing new for me to understand load balancing and server management, but in the last 3-4 months my site readership has increased dramatically, really affecting web performance. I’m a big fan of the open source movement, and utilize it extensively in […]
My little bruiser has found his calling… Baseball
I’ve spent the last 10 years, 3 weeks, and 3 days wondering just what my prodigy would aspire to pursue. For back story, it’s worth noting that Sebastian has tried everything from Soccer, to Karate, to Cub Scouts (which I still wish he’d pursue), to now.. Baseball! Sebastian’s Mom and I have always shared the […]
Life After Loss: A Heart Of Resilience
Resiliency.. a noble aspiration for all of us. Call it thick skinned, call it enlightened, even-keeled, etc. Ultimately, it’s a state of mind and spirit. To tap your inner strength to persevere after some landslide occurs in your life. The loss of a loved one, the ending of a relationship, trauma, abuse, loss of a […]
Life 3.0: Fulfilling some dreams for not only myself, but my personal hero.. My Dad.
I have made it a point to take advantage of this season in my life to accomplish things I always feared I couldn’t, or wouldn’t be allowed to. For years, I always talked about wanting to take a fall drive through Wisconsin’s beautiful Glacier Lands, capturing nature at it’s most pristine and beautiful. No better […]
Life After Loss: Ministering to those who’ve suffered extreme loss or abuse.
I had an eye opening epiphany several weeks ago. I’d been effectively indoctrinated into the mindset that the problems you have are meant to be dirty secrets, never to see the light of day. In those actions, nothing but bitterness came from it. I remember being asked by someone I respect deeply to be conscious […]