About me..
I’m an avid photographer and car driver. But in fairness that just touches the tip of the iceberg as I have quite a large variety of interests I’ve continuously attempted to master in my life.
I’ve two wonderful children of my own! While I try and master just about anything I attempt, parenthood has undoubtably been the most challenging. Let’s face it, kids don’t come with an instruction manual. 😉
Otherwise, I work for Accertify, an American Express Business Unit*. We do something pretty cool! As I explain it to my son, we catch bad guys! We directly make an impact writing software, and helping clients catch “Fraudsters”, and we do a damn good job of it as well!
I’ve developed a deep passion to minister and speak on something very close to me over the last year, and that is on relational abuse and trauma. You can see more in the “Life after Loss” ministry page here.
Fitness is also another passionate thing I embrace. Having been close to 400lbs, and well over 300 for a large portion of my life, I also train and coach others who’ve finally said “ENOUGH!”
Other then that, I love driving, love cooking, love traveling and immersing myself in the traditions and cultures of other places; while enjoying all the new and wonderful people who’ve touched my life.In short, just enjoying life 3.0 in all its glory!
*All opinions expressed on this site are personally my own and do not reflect on the values, agenda, or beliefs of my employer.